Thursday, October 3, 2013

To Baby Fernando

Hi Baby Fernando
I wish I would have started this earlier. But hey, it's never too late.. :) At the time you're 7 months

You learned how to roll over from back to tummy on 10/02/2013. By now you hold your toys by yourself and play with them. You're getting the hang of sitting up by yourself. I still have to hold you. You learned how to hold your bottle in Oregon while visiting Grandma Cecy.
I will try to update this often, so you know when you did things ahhh and will take pics too.. :)

Ahora ya te sientas muy bien. todavia no tienes dientes pero creo que pronto por que dejas de sacar saliba. eres muy vivo me dicen todos y muy dulcesito. Tienes 8 meses y medio casi y no te aguantas por moverte mucho. te das vuelta mas rapido y ya te sientas en tu silla para comer. ayer tuvistes un accidente en la cama 
te hicistes pupu en la cama pero te limpiamos rapido y no paso nada. Eres una hermosura de nino y me encanta jugar contigo. reconoces mas a la gente y adoras a tu papa. Lo miras y no quieres mas que estar con el. a veces me da un poquito de celos pero comprendo que quieres andar explorando y con tu papa es mas facil hacerlo. te quiero con todo mi corazon mi fernandito hermoso.

Ya 3 años de vida con nosotros. Esto ha sido una total aventura! Estas aprendiendo tanto y creciendo a una manera super acelerada. Pesas casi las 33 libras y eres muy activo. No puedo creer que tan rapido esta pasando el tiempo.
Eres muy alerta y vivo. No podemos esconder mucho de ti y tenemos que estar pendientes de lo que hablamos porque lo vas a repetir. La palabra "stupid" la puedes oir a muy larga distancia para corregir a las personas que no lo digan, porque es una mala palabra. te encanta ver television y jugar afuera. Andar con papá y preguntar por el a cada rato. Estas jugando t-ball y ya llevas 4 juegos, te faltan 2 mas para terminar. Me encanta verte correr y estar con otros niños aunque eres un poquitin pleitisto. Te gusta ganar y ser el primero. Creo porque eres el unico niño en la casa.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My bucket list

Ever since the movie, I've always wanted to make up a bucket list. So, I guess I can cross that one out of my list.

I'm going to be updating this list with more to the list.

1. Make up a Bucket list (Done! 3/27/12)
2. Plant a Tree
3. Ride on a hot air balloon
4. Own a Pet 7/2019
5. Write a Letter to 3 of my closest friends & let them know how much they mean to me.
6. Learn to swim
7. Go swimming w/dolphins
8. Make a meal for my family 12/31/2013
9. Bake a Cake  04/2016
10. Be vegetarian for 21 days. 01/31/2016
11. Go on a cruise in the sea
12. Learn sign language
13. Learn to sew w/a sewing machine
14. Go to a NBA Game 12/2017
15. Go to a NFL Game  11/27/2014
16. No Credit Card Debt 4/2019
17. Do a 21 days cleanse
18. Be a mom (done on 2/25/2013)
19. Learn to say "hello" in 50 languages
20. Take singing lessons
21. Go to Disney World with my Nephews/Nieces n son
22. Go to University & Earn a Degree
23. Visit Alaska
24. Take a photo a day for a year
25. Go to a lakewood service in Houston, Tx  don't want to go anymore 1/6/2015
26. Go on a family Vacation w/my uncle, mom, dad, gma 10/2018
27. Have a family reunion w/shirts, programs and games.
28. See a movie by myself in the theatre
29. Go to a restaurant and dine by myself.
30. Stand in the middle of a crowded place w/a sign "Free Hugs"
31. Volunteer for a good cause
32. Sing Karaoke
33. Own a New Car
34. Ride a gondola in Venice
35. Go to a Broadway Play in New York City
36. Shoot a gun
37. Help someone cross something off their bucket list
38. Take Grandma on a Cruise
39. Write a letter to myself & open it in 10 years.
40. Send a message on a bottle.
41. Go to Barcelona
42. Donate my hair to locks of love  It won't happen I dyed my hair already :(
43. Read the Bible cover to cover.
44. Attend a cirque Soleil performance
45. See Niagara Falls
46. Pay-off our house mortgage
47. Visit Alcatraz
48. Go to an opera function (in the movie theatre in Jan 2013)
49. Meet the President of the USA.
50. Become a Teacher
51. Eat Caviar
52. Stay in a bed-and-breakfast
53. Help a complete stranger  3/2019
54. Fast for 3 days (just water)
55. do a puzzle 1000 pieces
56. Quit Coffee for 21 Days
57. See Jason Mraz in a concert
58. Go to SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida
59. Take a wine appreciation class
60. Eat something exotic
61. Have my hand hennaed.
62. Buy jewellery at Tiffany & Co
63. Go to Central Park in NYC
64. See a concert at Madison Square Gardens, New York
65. Own a TiLite-YR-Pediatric-Manual-Wheelchair
66. Plant flowers
67. Clean out the garage and
closet (3/29/12)
68. Make a family movie
69. Buy New Living room Furniture (Sept 2013)
70. Take a photography class
71. Learn to cook an elaborate 5 course meal
72. Keep a prayer blog
73. Write on my blog at least once a week for a year.
74. Do Resetta Stone for Italian
75. Dont eat out for an entire month
76. Learn how to make jewellery and accessories
77. Learn to walk with a walker
78. Visit all 50 states
       Oregon, Washington, California, Wyomin, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Rhode Island, New York, Nevada, Florida,
79. Pay for a stranger's groceries
80. Pay for a stranger's meal at a restaurant  1/18/15
81. Donate a good amount of money to a charity
82. Buy a digital camcorder
and digital camara (4/2/12)
83. Visit the MegaMall :)or whatever is called.
84. Send a care package to a soldier
85. Visit the Grand Canyon

Been there done that
1. Travel Alone
2. Went to Costa Rica
3. Went to Jerusalem
4. Dated someone much older than me
5. Dated someone younger than me
6. lived by myself
7. Gave time to a cause I belive in
8. Forgave my parents for whatever they did.
9. Learned to Drive
10. Got married
11. Went to Los Cabos for our HoneyMoon
12. Rode a train by myself
13. Flew on a Helicopter
14. Flew First Class
15. Went to Caracas, Venezuela
16. soaked in the dead sea
17. learned to crochet
18. camped with friends & (family 2019)
19. I was on TV Univision News for something good!
20. Went on a road trip
21. Rode in a limousine
22. Visited the Eiffel Tower
23. Attended the Albuquerque hot air balloon festival